You may think of buying a temporary auto insurance coverage if you are considering borrowing a car from your friend or relative for few days. We can assist you to get a comprehensive vehicle cover for a period of up to 28 days at an affordable premium and that too without affecting no claims bonus on existing car insurance policy.
Drivers in the age group 18 to 75 can take advantage of our cost-free online services to search easily affordable temporary auto insurance policies to insure borrowed or leased cars for 1 to 28 days.
To let us help you in securing a low cost temporary car insurance cover quickly, you need to fill and submit an easy application form by providing some basic personal details as well as by specifying the number of days for which you require auto insurance. Most of the insurers will also ask for information about the type of car being driven and its registration number.
You could be an ideal candidate to get a temporary cover for student car insurance if you are a driver from any of the following categories.
Getting an instant temporary car insurance policy can be a great alternative to a 12 month or annual auto insurance cover. Besides, if you are unsure whether this type of car coverage can satisfy your exact requirements, you may get an idea regarding some of its salient features as under:
You could also consider buying short term young driver car insurance policy if you are thinking of borrowing a friend’s car during the weekend for shifting your belongings to some other hall before your new term begins. It could be possible to find companies which specialize in providing easy to afford temporary car insurance for under 25 olds online.
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